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Saltanat-e-Usmania R.A. | by Dr. Ali Muhammad Muhammad Al Slabi | in Urdu PDF eBook Free Download

The Ottoman Caliphate, under the Ottoman line of the Ottoman Empire, was the last Sunni Islamic caliphate of the late medieval and the early cutting edge period. Amid the time of Ottoman development, Ottoman rulers guaranteed caliphal specialist since Murad I's triumph of Edirne in 1362. Later Selim I, through vanquishing and unification of Muslim terrains, turned into the safeguard of the Holy Cities of Mecca and Medina which additionally fortified the Ottoman claim to caliphate in the Muslim world.
The death of the Ottoman Caliphate occurred on account of a moderate disintegration of force in connection to Western Europe, and in light of the finish of the Ottoman state in outcome of the apportioning of the Ottoman Empire by the League of Nations command. Abdülmecid II, the last Ottoman caliph, held his caliphal position for two or three years after the apportioning, however with Mustafa Kemal's mainstream changes and the consequent outcast of the regal Osmanoğlu family from the Republic of Turkey in 1924, the caliphal position was annulled.



Since the fourteenth century, the caliphate was guaranteed by the Turkish sultans of the Ottoman Empire beginning with Murad I, and they slowly came to be seen as the true pioneers and illustrative of the Islamic world. From Edirne and later from Constantinople (exhibit day Istanbul), the Ottoman caliphs decided over a realm that, at its pinnacle, secured Anatolia, the vast majority of the Middle East, North Africa, the Caucasus, and amplified profound into Eastern Europe.
Fortified by the Peace of Westphalia and the Industrial Revolution, European forces regrouped and tested Ottoman strength. Owing generally to poor authority, old political standards, and a failure to keep pace with innovative advance in Europe, the Ottoman Empire couldn't react successfully to Europe's resurgence and continuously lost its position as a pre-famous awesome power.
By the late nineteenth century, the Ottoman Empire's issues had developed into emergencies. The Empire experienced a time of secularization to make up for lost time with European advances, including the selection of Western punitive codes and the supplanting of customary laws with European laws. Regional misfortunes in clashes, for example, the Russo-Turkish Wars considerably lessened Ottoman quality and impact, and years of money related blunder reached a crucial stage when the Empire defaulted on its advances in 1875.
The British bolstered and spread the view that the Ottomans were Caliphs of Islam among Muslims in British India and the Ottoman Sultans assisted the British by issuing claims to the Muslims of India letting them know with supporting British run from Sultan Selim III and Sultan Abdülmecid I.

Abdul-Hamid II, 1876–1909:

Sultan Abdul-Hamid II, who ruled 1876–1909, felt that the Empire's urgent circumstance must be cured through solid and decided initiative. He questioned his clergymen and different authorities that had served his ancestors and step by step lessened their part in his administration, concentrating total control over the Empire's administration in his own particular hands. Taking a hard-line against Western association in Ottoman issues, he underscored the Empire's "Islamic" character, reasserted his status as the Caliph, and called for Muslim solidarity behind the Caliphate. Abdul-Hamid fortified the Empire's position fairly, and succeeded quickly in reasserting Islamic power, by building various schools, decreasing the national obligation, and setting out on tasks went for rejuvenating the Empire's rotting foundation.
John Hay, the American Secretary of State, asked the Jewish American represetative to Ottoman Turkey, Oscar Straus in 1889 to approach Sultan Abdul Hamid II to demand that the Sultan compose a letter to the Moro Sulu Muslims of the Sulu Sultanate in the Philippines instructing them to submit to American suzerainty and American military govern, the Sultan obliged them and composed the letter which was sent to Sulu by means of Mecca where 2 Sulu boss conveyed it home to Sulu and it was effective, since the Sulu Mohammedans . . . declined to join the insurrectionists and had set themselves under the control of our armed force, in this manner perceiving American sovereignty. The Ottoman Sultan utilized his position as caliph to arrange the Sulu Sultan not to oppose and not battle the Americans when they came subjected to American control. President McKinley did not say Turkey's part in the placation of the Sulu Moros in his deliver to the principal session of the Fifty-6th Congress in December 1899 since the concurrence with the Sultan of Sulu was not submitted to the Senate until December 18. Despite Sultan Abdulhamid's "dish Islamic" belief system, he promptly agreed to Oscar S. Straus' ask for help in advising the Sulu Muslims to not avoid America since he wanted to bring about dangers between the West and Muslims. Collaboration between the American military and Sulu sultanate was expected to the Sulu Sultan being induced by the Ottoman Sultan. John P. Finley composed that: After due thought of these realities, the Sultan, as Caliph made a message to be sent to the Mohammedans of the Philippine Islands disallowing them go into any dangers against the Americans, in light of the fact that no impedance with their religion would be permitted under American run the show. As the Moros have never asked more than that, it is not astonishing, that they denied all suggestions made, by Aguinaldo's specialists, at the season of the Filipino insurgence. President McKinley sent an individual letter of gratitude to Mr. Straus for the phenomenal work he had done, and stated, its achievement had spared the United States no less than twenty thousand troops in the field. In the event that the peruser will interruption to consider what this implies in men and furthermore the millions in cash, he will value this great bit of discretion, in turning away a blessed war. Abdulhamid in his position as Caliph was drawn closer by the Americans to help them manage Muslims amid their war in the Philippines and the Muslim individuals of the zone complied with the request to help the Americans which was sent by Abdulhamid.
The Moro Rebellion then softened out up 1904 with war seething between the Americans and Moro Muslims and barbarities conferred against Moro Muslim ladies and kids, for example, the Moro Crater Massacre.
The overthrow by the three Pashas in 1909 denoted the finish of his rule. Western-slanted Turkish military officers restricted to Abdul-Hamid's govern had consistently sorted out as mystery social orders inside and outside Turkey. By 1906, the development delighted in the support of a noteworthy segment of the armed force, and its pioneers framed the Committee of Union and Progress (CUP), casually known as the Young Turk Party. The Young Turks tried to redesign organization of the Empire along Western lines. Their belief system was patriot in character, and was a forerunner of the development that would seize control of Turkey taking after World War I. Glass pioneers displayed their thoughts to general society as a restoration of genuine Islamic standards. Under the authority of Enver Pasha, a Turkish military officer, the CUP propelled a military overthrow against the Sultan in 1908, declaring another administration on 6 July. In spite of the fact that they exited Abdul-Hamid on his position of authority, the Young Turks constrained him to reestablish the parliament and constitution he had suspended thirty years before, in this manner making a sacred government and stripping the Caliphate of its power.

Counter-coup and 31 March Incident:

A counter-overthrow propelled by fighters faithful to the Sultan debilitated the new government in any case fizzled. Following nine months into the new parliamentary term, discontent and response discovered expression in a fundamentalist development, the counter-progressive 31 March Incident, which really happened on 13 April 1909. Numerous parts of this revolt, which began inside specific segments of the mutinying armed force in Constantinople, are still yet to be dissected. Its by and large conceded impression of a "reactionary" development has some of the time been tested, given the outcomes and consequences for the youthful political framework.
Abdul-Hamid was ousted on 13 April 1909. He was supplanted by his sibling Rashid Effendi, who was broadcasted Sultan Mehmed V on 27 April.

Mehmed V, 1909–18:

With Libya:

In 1911 Italy warred with the Ottomans over Libya, and Turkey's inability to protect these locales exhibited the shortcoming of the Ottoman military. In 1912 Bulgaria, Serbia, Montenegro, and Greece framed the Balkan League, an against Turkish partnership that in this manner propelled a joint assault on the Ottoman Empire. The following Balkan Wars disposed of what little nearness the Ottomans had left in Europe, and just infighting between the Balkan League partners kept them from progressing into Anatolia.
Inside, the Ottomans kept on being grieved by political flimsiness. Patriot uprisings that had tormented the Empire sporadically for as far back as fifty years strengthened. The masses were becoming baffled with unending misgovernance and Turkey's less than impressive display in military clashes. Accordingly, the CUP drove a moment rebellion in 1913 and seized supreme control of the legislature. For the following five years, the Empire was a one-party state managed by the CUP under the administration of Enver Pasha (who came back to Constantinople subsequent to having served Turkey abroad in different military and discretionary limits since the underlying overthrow), Minister of the Interior Talat Pasha, and Minister of the Navy Cemal Pasha. In spite of the fact that the Sultan was held, he attempted to practice control free of the Young Turks and was viably their manikin. The Caliphate was in this way held ostensibly by Mehmed V, yet the expert appended to the workplace rested with the Young Turks.

World War I:

As World War I softened out up Europe, the Young Turks hit an organization together with Germany, a move that would have tragic results. The Empire entered the war in favor of the Central Powers in November 1914, and Britain, France, and Russia promptly proclaimed war on Ottoman Empire.[citation needed] During the improvement of the war, the realm's position kept on falling apart, and even in the Middle East – the very heartland of the Islamic world – would soon be lost.

Call for Jihad:

In spite of the fact that the Young Turks had constrained the Sultan in his ability as the Caliph to announce a jihad encouraging all Muslims to oppose Allied infringement on their territories, the exertion was to a great extent unsuccessful. The Young Turk government surrendered as once huge mob and Enver, Talat, and Cemal fled Turkey on board a German warship. Sultan Mehmed VI, who was declared Sultan after his sibling Mehmed V passed on of a heart assault in July, consented to a peace negotiation. The Armistice of Mudros formalizing Ottoman surrender was marked on board a British warship on October 30, 1918. United troops touched base in Constantinople and involved the Sultan's castle right away thereafter.

Partitioning of the Ottoman Empire:

Before the finish of the war, the Ottomans had lost for all intents and purposes their whole Empire. Planning to keep his royal position and safeguard the Ottoman tradition in some shape or another, the Sultan consented to participate with the Allies. He broke down parliament and permitted an Allied military organization to supplant the administration abandoned by the Young Turks.

Khilafat Movement:

The Khilafat development (1919–24) was a political battle propelled for the most part by Muslims in British controlled India to impact the British government to ensure the Caliphate amid the repercussions of World War I.
The thrashing of the Ottomans and the Allied control of Constantinople left the Ottoman state and the Caliphate with no strong premise. The Khilafat development tried to cure this. The development picked up drive after the Treaty of Sèvres in August 1920, which arranged the parceling of the Ottoman Empire.


The Turkish national development, as the points of interest clarified in Turkish War of Independence, shaped a Turkish Grand National Assembly, and secured formal acknowledgment of the country's autonomy and new fringes on July 24, 1923 through the Treaty of Lausanne. The National Assembly announced Turkey a republic on October 29, 1923, and declared Ankara its new capital. After about 700 years, the Ottoman Empire had formally stopped to exist. In any case, under Allied bearing, the Sultan pledged[when?] to stifle such developments and secured an official fatwa from the Sheik ul-Islam proclaiming them to be un-Islamic. Be that as it may, the patriots consistently picked up energy and started to appreciate boundless support. Many detected that the country was ready for unrest. With an end goal to kill this danger, the Sultan consented to hold races, with the trust of pacifying and co-picking the patriots. Regrettably, patriot bunches cleared the surveys, provoking him to again break down parliament in April 1920.
At first, the National Assembly appeared to permit a place for the Caliphate in the new administration, consenting to the arrangement of Mehmed's cousin Abdülmecid II as Caliph upon Mehmed's takeoff (November 1922). In any case, the position had been stripped of any expert, and Abdülmecid's absolutely stately rule would be brief. Mustafa Kemal had been a vocal faultfinder of the Ottoman House and its Islamic introduction. At the point when Abdülmecid was announced Caliph, Kemal declined to permit the conventional Ottoman function to happen, obtusely pronouncing:
The Caliph has no power or position with the exception of as an ostensible nonentity.
In light of Abdülmecid's appeal to for an expansion in his recompense, Kemal composed:
Your office, the Caliphate, is just a noteworthy relic. It has no defense for presence. It is a bit of rudeness that you ought to set out keep in touch with any of my secretaries!
Still, for all the power he had as of now employed in Turkey, Kemal did not set out to abrogate the Caliphate inside and out, as despite everything it ordered an impressive level of support from the average citizens.
At that point an occasion happened which was to bargain a lethal hit to the Caliphate. Two Indian siblings, Maulana Mohammad Ali and Maulana Shaukat Ali, pioneers of the Indian-based Khilafat Movement, appropriated pamphlets[clarification needed] calling upon the Turkish individuals to save the Ottoman Caliphate for Islam. Under Turkey's new patriot government, notwithstanding, this was translated as remote mediation, and any type of outside intercession was marked an affront to Turkish power, and more terrible, a danger to State security. Kemal instantly grabbed his possibility. On his drive, the National Assembly nullified the Caliphate on March 3, 1924. Abdülmecid was sent into outcast alongside the rest of the individuals from the Ottoman House, denoting the official end of the Ottoman Caliphate.

Download or read online Urdu noteworthy book "Saltanat-e-Usmania" (Ottoman Empired) created by Dr. Ali Mohammad Assalabi and interpreted into Urdu dialect by Allama Mohammad Zafar Iqbal Kalyar. The said book is in regards to the Ottoman Islamic Empire. The creator has talked about the complete history of Ottoman Empire and additionally the complete history Turkish civilisation from tolerating Islam to the fall of Ottoman Caliphate. The creator has likewise spotlighted the complete social and political foundation of Turkish human progress. The creator has additionally depict with insight about the diverse wars of old Turkish Empire. He has additionally likewise expounded on all the Ottoman caliphs. He has likewise expounded on the outside relations, remote exchange, economy, military methodologies and multitudes of Ottoman Empire. This Urdu book Saltanat-e-Usmania is contained on 6 areas and you can download it free or read online from underneath.ZeePDF is a site and additionally it is another universe of PDF Books. It involves books of different fields/branches in PDF outline (which is the most easy course of action for point of view on the planet) You can download any book/record to look at them you are take after delete them with in a day. If you will take a copy for untouched than it is earnestly prescribed to shop these books from the proprietor/distributer.
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