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Muhammad Bin Qasim | by Naseem Hijazi | PDF eBook Free Download

Muhammad bin Qasim:

'Imād ud Dīn Muḥammad ibn Qāsim ath-Thaqafī (Arabic: عماد الدين محمد بن القاسم الثقفي‎‎; c. 31 December 695 – 18 July 715) was an Umayyad general who vanquished the Sindh and Multan districts along the Indus River (now a some portion of Pakistan) for the Umayyad Caliphate. He was brought up in the city of Ta'if (in current Saudi Arabia). Qasim's triumph of Sindh and southern-most parts of Multan empowered further Muslim victories on the Indian subcontinent.
An individual from the Thaqif tribe of the Ta'if area, Muhammad receptacle Qasim's dad was Qasim container Yusufwho kicked the bucket when Muhammad canister Qasim was youthful, leaving his mom responsible for his instruction and care. Umayyad representative Al-Hajjaj Ibn Yusuf Al-Thaqafi, Muhammad canister Qasim's fatherly uncle, was instrumental in showing Muhammad container Qasim about fighting and administration. Muhammad receptacle Qasim wedded his cousin Zubaidah, Al-Hajjaj's little girl, without further ado before going to Sindh.
                                                                      Part 01
Part 02

Umayyad interest in Sindh:

As indicated by Berzin, Umayyad enthusiasm for the locale happened on account of assaults from Sindh Raja Dahir on boats of Muslims and their detainment of Muslim men and women. They had before unsuccessfully looked to pick up control of the course, by means of the Khyber Pass, from the Kabul Shahi of Gandhara. But by taking Sindh, Gandhara's southern neighbor, they could open a moment front against Gandhara; a deed they had, on one event, endeavored before.
As per Wink, Umayyad enthusiasm for the locale was electrifies by the operation of the Meds (a tribe of Scythians living in Sindh) and others. Meds had pilfered upon Sassanid transporting before, from the mouth of the Tigris to the Sri Lankan drift, in their bawarij and now could go after Arab shipping from their bases at Kutch, Debal and Kathiawar. At the time, Sindh was the wild outskirts district of al-Hind, occupied for the most part by semi-roaming tribes whose exercises aggravated a significant part of the Western Indian Ocean. Muslim sources demand that it was these determined exercises along progressively essential Indian exchange courses by Debal privateers and others which constrained the Arabs to enslave the range, so as to control the seaports and sea courses of which Sindh was the core, and also, the overland passage. During Hajjaj's governorship, the Meds of Debal in one of their strikes had abducted Muslim ladies setting out from Sri Lanka to Arabia, in this manner giving a casus belli to the rising force of the Umayyad Caliphate that empowered them to pick up a solid footing in the Makran, Balochistan and Sindh regions.
The Umayyad Caliphate on the eve of the attacks of Spain and Sindh in 710.
Additionally refered to as a purpose behind this battle was the arrangement of giving asylum to Sassanids escaping the Arab progress and to Arab rebels from the Umayyad combination of their run the show.
These Arabs were detained later on by the Governor Deebal Partaab Raye. A letter composed by an Arab young lady who got away from the jail of Partab Raye approached Hajjaj Bin Yusuf for offer assistance. At the point when Hajjaj approached Dahir for the arrival of detainees and pay, the last denied on the ground that he had no power over those. Al-Hajjaj sent Muhammad Bin Qasim for activity against the Sindh in 711.
The mawali; new non-Arab changes over; who were generally aligned with Al-Hajjaj's political adversaries and along these lines were oftentimes compelled to partake in fights on the boondocks of the Umayyad Caliphate —, for example, Kabul, Sindh and Transoxania. A genuine push into the area had been out of support as an Arab arrangement since the season of the Rashidun Caliph Umar receptacle Khattab, endless supply of reports of it being an unfriendly and poor land, had ceased encourage expeditionary endeavors into the district.

The campaign:

Muhammad container Qasim's undertaking was really the third endeavor, the initial two having bombed because of stiffer-than-anticipated restriction and additionally warm, exhaustion.
Hajjaj had put more care and arranging into this battle than the primary crusade  under Badil receptacle Tuhfa. Hajjaj superintended this battle from Kufa by keeping up close contact with Muhammad canister Qasim as normal reports for which reason unique delegates were deputed amongst Basra and Sindh. The armed force which left from Shiraz in 710 CE under Muhammad container Qasim was 6,000 Syrian mounted force and separations of mawali from Iraq. At the fringes of Sindh he was joined by a propel watch and six thousand camel riders and later fortifications from the legislative leader of Makran exchanged straightforwardly to Debal via ocean alongside five catapults ("manjaniks"). The armed force that in the long run caught Sindh would later be swelled by the Gurjars and Meds and also different irregulars that knew about triumphs in Sindh. When Muhammad container Qasim went through Makran while raising strengths, he needed to re-stifle the fretful Umayyad towns of Fannazbur and Arman Belah (Lasbela) The primary town ambushed was Debal and upon the requests of Al-Hajjaj, he demanded a bleeding retaliation on Debal by giving no quarter to its inhabitants or ministers and annihilating its extraordinary temple.
Degree and development of Umayyad control under Muhammad container Qasim in medieval India (present day state limits appeared in red).
From Debal the Arab armed force then walked north taking towns, for example, Nerun and Sadusan (Sehwan) peacefully. frequently utilizing their segments; also one-fifth of the goods including slaves were dispatched to Hajjaj and the Caliph. The success of these towns was proficient effortlessly; be that as it may, Raja Dahir's armed forces being set up on the opposite side of the Indus were yet to be fought. In planning to meet them, Muhammad canister Qasim moved back to Nerun to resupply and get fortifications sent by Hajjaj. Camped on the east bank of the Indus, Qasim sent emissaries and bartered with the waterway Jats and boatmen. Upon securing the guide of Mokah Basayah, "the King of the island of Bet", Muhammad container Qasim traversed the stream where he was joined by the strengths of the Thakore of Bhatta and the western Jats.
At Ar-rur (Rohri) he was met by Dahir's strengths and the eastern Jats in battle. Dahir kicked the bucket in the fight, his powers were vanquished and a triumphant Muhammad receptacle Qasim took control of Sindh. In the wake of the fight foe warriors were killed — however not artisans, dealers or ranchers — and Dahir and his boss, the "little girls of rulers" and the standard fifth of the goods and slaves was sent on to Hajjaj. Soon the capitals of alternate territories, Brahmanabad, Alor (Aror) and Multan, were caught close by other in the middle of towns with just light Muslim casualties. Usually after an attack of half a month or months the Arabs picked up a city through the intercession of heads of commercial houses with whom consequent arrangements and understandings would be settled. After fights every battling me were executed and their spouses and youngsters subjugated in extensive numbers and the typical fifth of the goods and slaves were sent to Hajjaj. The general people was urged to continue with their exchanges and charges and tributes settled.
The triumph of Sindh, in cutting edge Pakistan, albeit expensive, was real pick up for the Umayyad Caliphate. Be that as it may, additionally picks up were stopped by Hindu kingdoms amid the Caliphate battles in India. The Arabs attempted to attack India however they were crushed by the north Indian ruler Nagabhata of the Gurjara Pratihara Dynasty and by the south Indian Emperor Vikramaditya II of the Chalukya line in the mid eighth century. After the disappointment of further endeavors on Kathiawar, the Arab writers concede that the Caliph Mahdi "surrendered the venture of overcoming any piece of India."

Military and political strategy:

The military technique had been sketched out by Al-Hajjaj in a letter sent to Muhammad container Qasim
My decision is given: Kill anybody having a place with the ahl-i-harb (warriors); capture their children and little girls for prisoners and detain them. Whoever does not battle against us...grant them aman (security) and settle their tribute as dhimmah (ensured person)…
The Arabs' first concern was to encourage the victory of Sindh with the least setbacks while additionally attempting to save the monetary infrastructure. Towns were given two choices: submit to Islamic power calmly or be assaulted by drive (anwattan), with the decision administering their treatment upon capture. The catch of towns was typically expert by method for an arrangement with a gathering from among the adversary, who were then amplified unique benefits and material rewards. There were two sorts of such settlements, "Sulh" or "ahd-e-wasiq (capitulation)" and "aman (surrender/peace)". Among towns and posts that were caught through compel of arms, Muhammad container Qasim performed executions as a feature of his military technique, however they were constrained to the ahl-i-harb (battling men), whose surviving wards were likewise enslaved.
Where resistance was solid, drawn out and serious, frequently bringing about significant Arab setbacks, Muhammad container Qasim's reaction was sensational, causing 6,000 passings at Rawar, in the vicinity of 6,000 and 26,000 at Brahmanabad, 4,000 at Iskalandah and 6,000 at Multan. Conversely, in territories taken by sulh, for example, Armabil, Nirun, and Aror, resistance was light and couple of losses occurred. Sulh gave off an impression of being Muhammad canister Qasim's favored method of success, the strategy utilized for beyond 60% of the towns and tribes recorded by Baladhuri and the Chach Nama. At one point, he was really censured by Al-Hajjaj for being excessively lenient. Meanwhile, the basic society were regularly exonerated and urged to proceed working; Al-Hajajj requested that this alternative not be allowed to any occupant of Debal, yet Qasim still presented it to specific gatherings and individuals.
After every real period of his triumph, Muhammad receptacle Qasim endeavored to set up peace in the recently vanquished region by demonstrating religious resistance and consolidating the decision class – the Brahmins and Shramanas – into his organization.

Reasons for success:

Muhammad canister Qasim's prosperity has been somewhat credited to Dahir being a disliked Hindu ruler controlling over a Buddhist larger part who saw Chach of Alor and his family as usurpers of the Rai Dynasty. This is ascribed to having brought about support being given by Buddhists and consideration of revolt fighters serving as important infantry in his mounted force substantial drive from the Jat and Meds. Brahman, Buddhist, Greek, and Arab declaration however can be found that verifies towards agreeable relations between the followers of the two religions up to the seventh century.

Alongside this were:

Predominant military hardware, for example, attack motors and the Mongol bow.
Troop teach and leadership.
The idea of Jihad as an assurance booster.
Religion; the far reaching confidence in the prescience of Muslim success.
The Samanis being induced to submit and not wage war in light of the fact that most of the populace was Buddhist who were disappointed with their rulers, who were Hindu.
The working under inabilities of the Lohana Jats.
Abandonments from among Dahirs boss and nobles.
Administration by Muhammad bin Qasim
After the victory, Muhammad canister Qasim's errand was to set up a managerial structure for a steady Muslim express that fused a recently vanquished outsider land, occupied by non-Muslims. He received a mollifying strategy, requesting acknowledgment of Muslim run by the locals as an end-result of non-impedance in their religious practice, insofar as the locals paid their expenses and tribute. consequently, the state gave insurance to non-Muslim from any remote assaults and foes. He built up Islamic Sharia law over the general population of the area; in any case, Hindus were permitted to administer their towns and settle their debate as per their own particular laws, and customary progressive organizations, including the Village Headmen (Rais) and Chieftains (dihqans) were maintained. A Muslim officer called an amil was positioned with a troop of mounted force to deal with every town on an innate premise.
Wherever charges (mal) and tribute (kharaj) were settled and prisoners taken — at times this likewise implied the caretakers of temples. Non-Muslim locals were pardoned from military administration and from installment of the religiously commanded impose framework demanded upon Muslims called Zakat, the expense framework required upon them rather was the jizya - a dynamic duty, being heavier on the privileged societies and light for the poor. also, three percent of government income was apportioned to the Brahmins.

Joining of decision world class into administration:

Amid his organization, Hindus and Buddhists were enlisted into the organization as put stock in counselors and governors. A Hindu, Kaksa, was at one point the second most essential individual from his administration. Dahir's head administrator and different chieftains were likewise consolidated into the administration.
Jat conflicts with Muhammad canister Qasim
This segment needs extension. You can help by adding to it. (Walk 2009)
Huge medieval Muslim accounts, for example, the Chachnama, Zainul-Akhbar and Tarikh-I-Baihaqi have recorded fights between the Jats and powers of Muhammad receptacle Qasim .

Treatment of Jats:

The story in the Chach Nama passes on that Chach of Alor mortified the Jats and Lohanas. He constrained them to consent to just convey sham swords, to wear no underpants of shawl, velvet or silk; just wear silk external pieces of clothing gave they were red or dark in shading, to put no seats on their stallions, to take their puppies when they went out, to outfit aides and spies and convey kindling for the regal kitchen. Qasim kept up these directions, proclaiming that the Jats looked like the savages of Persia and the mountains. He likewise settled their tribute. Jats of Ghasul who had submitted to the Arab manage garrisoned the Ságara and the island of Bait.


There are clashing perspectives in regards to religious approach in his rule. As per a few students of history, no mass transformations were endeavored and the annihilation of sanctuaries, for example, the Sun Temple of Multan was forbidden. Lane-Poole composes that, " when in doubt Muslim government was on the double tolerant and economic". But different antiquarians like Elliot, Cousens, Majumdar and Vaidya have held the view that there was coercive change amid his rule and decimation of sanctuaries was an impression of the more fundamental, religiously inspired intolerance.
A little minority who changed over to Islam were conceded exception from Jizya in lieu of paying the Muslim commanded Zakat. Hindus and Buddhists were given the status of Dhimmi (ensured people).
An eccelastical office, "sadru-I-Islam al affal", was made to supervise the mainstream governors. While some conversion happened, the social progression of Sindh were the same as different districts recently vanquished by Muslim strengths, for example, Egypt, where transformation to Islam was moderate and took centuries.


Muhammad canister Qasim had started arrangements for further extensions when Hajjaj passed on, as did Caliph Al-Walid I, who was prevailing by Sulayman ibn Abd al-Malik, who then rendered retribution against the sum total of what who had been near Hajjaj. Sulayman owed political support to adversaries of Hajjaj thus reviewed both of Hajjaj's fruitful commanders Qutaibah receptacle Muslim and Qasim. He likewise selected Yazid ibn al-Muhallab, once tormented by Hajjaj and a child of Al Muhallab ibn Abi Suffrah, as the legislative leader of Fars, Kirman, Makran, and Sindh; he quickly put Qasim in chains.
There are two distinct records in regards to the points of interest of Qasim's destiny:
As per Al-Baladhuri, a ninth century Persian student of history, Qasim was murdered because of a family quarrel with the legislative head of Iraq. After the demise of the caliph Al-Walid I, his sibling Sulayman ibn Abd al-Malik turned into the new caliph. Sulayman got to be distinctly antagonistic against Qasim on the grounds that obviously he had taken after the request of Hajjaj to proclaim Sulayman's privilege of progression void in all domains vanquished by him. At the point when Qasim got the news of the demise of Hajjaj he came back to Aror. Qasim was later captured under the requests of the caliph by the successor legislative head of Sindh, Yazid ibn Kabsha as-Sasaki, who worked under the new legislative head of Iraq, Yazid ibn al-Muhallab, and the new financial director, Salih ibn Abd ar-Rahman. Salih, whose sibling was executed by Hajjaj, tormented Qasim and his relatives to death. The record of his demise by Al-Baladhuri is exceptionally short contrasted with the one in Chachanama.

The Chachnama portrays a story in which Qasim's death is ascribed to the little girls of King Dahir who had been abducted amid the battle. Upon catch they had been sent on as presents to the Khalifa for his collection of mistresses in the capital. The record relates that they then deceived the caliph into trusting that Muhammad canister Qasim had disregarded them before sending them on and thus of this subterfuge, Muhammad receptacle Qasim was wrapped and sewed in bulls hides, and came back to Syria, which brought about his demise on the way from suffocation. This story qualities their intention in this subterfuge to securing retaliation for their dad's passing. After finding this subterfuge, the Khalifa is recorded to have been loaded with regret and requested the sisters covered alive in a divider.ZeePDF is a site and additionally it is another universe of PDF Books. It involves books of different fields/branches in PDF outline (which is the most easy course of action for point of view on the planet) You can download any book/record to look at them you are take after delete them with in a day. If you will take a copy for untouched than it is earnestly prescribed to shop these books from the proprietor/distributer.
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