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The development of metaphysics in Persia | Urdu Book | by Sir Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal | PDF eBook Free Download

The development of metaphysics in Persia:

The Development of Metaphysics in Persia is the book form of Muhammad Iqbal's PhD thesis in philosophy at the University of Munich submitted in 1908 and published in the same year. It traces the development of metaphysics in Persia from the time of Zoroaster to the advent of the Bahá'í Faith.
Muhammad Iqbal had gone to Germany and enrolled into Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich where he earned a PhD Degree by submitting The Development of Metaphysics in Persia as his final thesis, in 1908. The book published by Luzac & Company, London same year. Iqbal covers in this book from Zoroaster to Bahaullah era and metaphysical anatomy. This is one of the master piece of Muhammad Iqbal's research work. No such research had done before or after it in English Language on the topic.

Quotes from the Book:
Owing to my ignorance of Zend, my knowledge of Zoroaster is merely second hand. As regards the second part of my work, I have been able to look up the original Persian and Arabic manuscripts as well as many printed works connected with my investigation. I give below the names of Arabic and Persian manuscripts from which I have drawn most of the material utilized here. The method of transliteration adopted is the one recognised by the Royal Asiatic Society.

Zabur-e-Ajam (Persian Psalms):

Zabur-i-Ajam (زبور عجم, Persian Psalms) is a philosophical poetry book, written in Persian, of Allama Iqbal, the great poet-philosopher of the Indian subcontinent. It was published in 1927.
Zabur-i Ajam includes the Mathnavi Gulshan-i Raz-i Jadid and Bandagi Nama. There are four sections. The first two are sequences of ghazals in the classical form and the other two are single long poems. Iqbal forcefully expresses his inner convictions and urges the reader to advance himself to achieve progress and prosperity by discovering and strengthening the self.
The first of the two longer poems is the Gulshan-i Raz-i Jadid (گلشن راز جدید, "New Garden of Mysteries"). It alludes to the Gulshan-i Raz, the treatise on Sufism written in Persian verse by Sa'd ad-Din Mahmud Shabistari. Here Iqbal poses and answers nine questions on philosophical problems such as the nature of discursive thought, of the self, and of the relation between the eternal and the temporal.
The subject of the second poem, the Bandagi Nama (بندگینامه, "Book of Servitude") is the loss of freedom, particularly spiritual freedom, of an individual or society, and its consequent evils. It is divided into several sections and touches on the music and other arts of enslaved people, their religious tenets and the art of reconstructing free men.
In Zabur-i Ajam, Iqbal's Persian ghazal is at its best as his Urdu ghazal is in Bal-i Jibril. Here as in other books, Iqbal insists on remembering the past, doing well in the present and preparing for the future. His lesson is that one should be dynamic, full of zest for action and full of love and life. Implicitly, he proves that there is no form of poetry which can equal the ghazal in vigour and liveliness.

Zarb e kaleem (The Rod of Moses):

Zarb-i-Kalim ضربِ کلیم (or The Rod of Moses) is a philosophical poetry book of Allama Iqbal in Urdu, a poet-philosopher of the Indian subcontinent. It was published in 1936, two years before his death.
This is third collection of Allama Sir Muhammad Iqbal's poetry, which described as his political manifesto. It was published with the subtitle "A Declaration of War Against the Present Times." Muhammad Iqbal who also known as "Poet of the East" argues that modern problems are due to the godlessness, materialism and injustice of modern civilisation, which feeds on the subjugation and exploitation of weak nations, especially the Indian Muslims.

Allama Muhammad Iqbal Poems

·        Madness Of Love Is No More 
·        Ahead Of The Stars 
·        I Desire 
I want to have the extremes of your Love, See, how silly am I, wishing for unachievable. I don't care if you maltreat me or promise to unveil your beauty, I just want something unbearable to test my fortitude
·        A Longing 
O Lord! I have become weary of human assemblages! When the heart is sad no pleasure in assemblages can be I seek escape from tumult, my heart desires The silence which speech may ardently love!
·        Shikwaa 
·        A Mountain And A Squirrel 
A mountain was saying this to a squirrel 'Commit suicide if you have self-respect
·        A Prayer 
My invocations are sincere and true, They form my ablutions and prayers due. One glance of guide such joy and warmth can grant, On marge of stream can bloom the tulip plant.
·        Taraana-E-Milli 
·        A Mother's Dream 
As I slept one night I saw this dream Which further increased my vexation I dreamt I was going somewhere on the way Dark it was and impossible to find the way
·        A Cow And A Goat 
There was a verdant pasture somewhere Whose land was the very picture of beauty How can the beauty of that elegance be described Brooks of sparkling water were running on every side
·        A Spider And A Fly 
One day a spider said to a fly 'Though you pass this way daily
·        Pathos Of Love 
O Pathos of Love! You are a glossy pearl Beware, you should not appear among strangers The theatre of your display is concealed under the veil The modern audience' eye accepts only the visible display
·        Spain 
Spain! You are the trustee of the Muslim blood: In my eyes you are sanctified like the Harem. Prints of prostration lie hidden in your dust,
·        Age Of Infancy 
The earth and sky were unknown worlds to me Only the expanse of mother's bosom was a world to me
I want to have the extremes of your Love,
See, how silly am I, wishing for unachievable.

I don't care if you maltreat me or promise to unveil your beauty,
I just want something unbearable to test my fortitude

Let the God fearing people be dwelling in the paradise,
For, instead I want to be face to face with you.
(I don't want to go to paradise but want to observe the Divine Beauty)

O fellows, I am here for a few moments, as a gust,
Like morning star I will fade and vanish in a few moments.

I disclosed the secret in public,
I need to be punished for being so rude.
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