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The Phenomenology of Spirit | Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel | Philosophy Books | PDF eBook Free

The Phenomenology of Spirit (1807) is Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel's most broadly talked about philosophical work. Hegel's first book, it depicts the three-arrange rationalistic existence of Spirit. Its German title can be interpreted as either The Phenomenology of Spirit or The Phenomenology of Mind, in light of the fact that the German word Geist has the two implications. The book's working title, which likewise showed up in the main version, was Science of the Experience of Consciousness. On its underlying production (see cover picture on right), it was recognized as Part One of an anticipated "Arrangement of Science", of which the Science of Logic was the second part. A littler work, titled Philosophy of Spirit (likewise deciphered as "Reasoning of Mind"), shows up in Hegel's Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences, and relates in briefer and fairly changed shape the significant topics of the first Phenomenology.
Phenomenology was the premise of Hegel's later theory and denoted a critical advancement in German optimism after Kant. Concentrating on subjects in power, epistemology, material science, morals, history, religion, discernment, cognizance, and political rationality, The Phenomenology is the place Hegel builds up his ideas of logic (counting the master– slave logic), total vision, moral life, and Aufhebung. The book had a significant impact in Western theory, and "has been applauded and rebuked for the advancement of existentialism, socialism, one party rule, passing of God religious philosophy, and historicist nihilism."
Hegel was putting the completing touches to this book as Napoleon connected with Prussian troops on October 14, 1806, in the Battle of Jena on a level outside the city. On the day preceding the fight, Napoleon entered the city of Jena. Hegel described his impressions in a letter to his companion Friedrich Immanuel Niethammer:
I saw the Emperor – this world-soul – riding out of the city on observation. It is without a doubt an awesome sensation to see such a person, who, accumulated here at a solitary point, on the back of a stallion, connects over the world and experts it . . . this phenomenal man, whom it is inconceivable not to respect.
Pinkard takes note of that Hegel's remark to Niethammer "is all the all the more striking since by then he had effectively made the critical area out of the Phenomenology in which he commented that the Revolution had now formally go to another land (Germany) that would finish 'in thought' what the Revolution had just mostly achieved by and by.


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