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Showing posts from May, 2019

Biochemic Science (باۂیوکیمک ساۂینس) | Dr. Kashi Ram | Science PDF Book

Download or read online free Pdf Urdu book "Biochemic Science" and find out about the biochemical science in Urdu language. "Biochemic Science" is the title name of this Urdu book which is composed by Dr. Kashi Ram who is a famous Homeopathic specialist and best known for his homeopathic Urdu books. Biochemic Science Urdu book covers all points identified with organic chemistry in plain Urdu language. This is an exemplary Urdu book and Doctor Kashi Ram has composed about biochemical science in the light of Homeopathy. Biochemic Science is a remarkable Urdu book at any point composed on biochemical science and biochemical science. Dr. Kashi Ram has composed the prologue to natural chemistry and the technique to make biochemical meds all in Urdu language. He has likewise composed worth perusing Urdu articles about homeopathic recipes. Biochemic Science by Dr. Kashi Ram is an Old however should peruse Urdu book for each understudy of homeopathy. This is along Urdu ...

Falsafa, Science Aur Kainaat (فلسفہ، ساۂینس اور کاۂنات) | Dr. Mehmood Ali | Science PDF Book

Free download or read online another science related Urdu book "Falsafa, Science Aur Kainat" (Philosophy, Science, and Universe) and find superb Urdu articles adjoin Science, Philosophy and the Universe. Falsafa Science Aur Kainat is the title name of this Urdu book which is composed by Dr. Mehmood Ali Sydney who is an acclaimed Doctor, best known for his science related Urdu books. Falsafa-e-Science Aur Kainat is the second Urdu science book about science related expositions and articles in the Urdu language. The creator has spotlighted the science, Universe, and Philosophy in the simple Urdu words. He has composed magnificent Urdu substance about science and rationality in the Urdu language. Logical Attitude, the Electro-Weak Era, neutrino Era, time of Matter, the First Atom, and numerous other comparative subjects are talked about in nitty gritty by the creator Dr. Mehomood Ali Sydney. Falsafa-e-Science Aur Kainat is an absolute necessity perused Urdu book for every one o...

Science Kay Azeem Mazameen (ساۂنس کے ععظیم مضامین) | Mr. Martin Gardner | Science PDF Book

Free download or read online Pdf Urdu Book "Science Kay Azeem Mazameen" and investigate about the diverse addresses on Science in Urdu language. Science Kay Azim Mazameen Urdu book is really created by an extraordinary western writer Mr. Martin Gardner who is the writer of in excess of 100 renowned books. Science Kay Azeem Mazameen is the interpretation of Martin Gardner's book about the hypothesis of Science and address about science. This Urdu book was converted into Urdu language by Shehzad Ahmed who has made an interpretation of different English books into Urdu language. Science Kay Azeem Mazameen Pdf book is about Science. The creator Mr. Martin Gardner has talked about numerous logical speculations. He has additionally composed numerous addresses about the entire universe and its existence in this book. Science Ka Azeem Mazameen is a standout amongst the most famous books of the writer, that is the reason Mr. Shehzad Ahmed made an interpretation of this book into ...

Ilm Aur Science Ka Safar (علم اور ساۂنس کا سفر) | Mr. Isaac Asimov | Science PDF Book

Free download or read online an educational Urdu book "Ilm Aur Science Ka Safar" and find the total history of science and innovation. Ilm Aur Science Ka Safar Urdu book is composed by a famous American brought into the world Russian writer Mr. Isaac Asimov who was a teacher of natural chemistry at Boston University, best known for his works of sci-fi and for his famous science books like The Intelligent Man's Guide to Science and I, Robot. Ilm Aur Science Ka Safar is the title name of this Urdu book which implies the voyage of Science and information. This book is really the Urdu interpretation of Isaac Asimov's book anyway the interpreter Mr. Mohammad Arshad Razi has additionally made a few options to the book so as to make it all the more fascinating and worth perusing. Ilm Aur Science Ka Safar is long Urdu book about the historical backdrop of science and innovation. The book covers the historical backdrop of science for a huge number of years till 2003. By pe...

Science Kia Hai "What is science" (ساۂنس کیا ہے) | Norman Robert Campell | Science PDF Book

Download or read online Urdu book "Science Kia Hai?" (What is science), created by Norman Robert Campell who is a philosepher of science and a British physicist. This book is a short prologue to the reasoning of science went for a lay gathering of people. Other than endeavoring to respond to the inquiry brought up in the title of the book, it attempts to answer a portion of the focal inquiries of the theory of science, for example, "what is a law of nature?" and "what is estimation" This book is really the Urdu interpretation of Norman Robert's book "What is Science?". The credit of this book goes to Arif Uzzaman who has buckled down and made an interpretation of this book into Urdu language. In the said book you will discover logical hypotheses, definitions, logical laws. Free download or read online Pdf Urdu Book "Science Kay Azeem Mazameen" and investigate about the diverse addresses on Science in Urdu language. Science Kay A...