Mazameen-e-Patras Free download or read online popular Urdu papers of Patras Bukhari "Mazameen-e-Patras" (Patras Articles) and appreciate perusing interesting and tauntingly Urdu articles composed by Sayyad Ahmed Shah Bukhari. "Mazameen-e-Patras" is the title name of this Urdu book which is created by Syed Ahmed Shah Bukhari who is best known as Patras Bukhari. The creator is best known for his amusing and entertaining Urdu points. Mazameen e Patras has all Urdu Mazameen (Articles or Essays) of Patras Bukhari. Once the peruser starts perusing Patras Bukhari's article, at that point he doesn't surrender in the center and read till the end in light of the fact that the written work style of Patras Bukhari is exceptionally clever and interesting. There are 20+ comical Urdu articles of Patras Bukhari and I wager that you will read the greater part of his articles in this book "Mazamin e Patras" in light of the writer composing style. The essayist...