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Muqamat e Waris Shah (مقامات وارث شاہ) | Ali Abbas Jalalpuri | PDF Download Free

Name: Muqamat e Waris Shah Name: مقامات وارث شاہ Author: Ali Abbas Jalalpuri Language: Urdu Publisher: Not Found

Important Persons Places In The History | (Tarikh ki Aham Shakhsiyaat) (تاریخ کی اہم شخصیات) | Dr. Muhammad Najeeb Qasmi

Dr. Mohammad Najeeb Qasmi is an Indian Islamic researcher of the Deobandi school of Islamic idea. He has wrote books like: Hajj-e-Mabroor, Mukhtasar Hajj-e-Mabroor, Hayya Alas Salah, Islahi Mazaamin, Umrah Ka Tariqah, Tohfa-e-Ramazan and Maloomat-e-Quran. He additionally sorts out Hajj Orientation program once in a year to give exact direction to the pioneers in Riyadh. In the wake of finishing Islamic examinations and religious philosophy at Darul Uloom Deoband in 1994, Dr. Najeeb Qasmi joined Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi where he did graduation in Arabic and two courses of interpretation. He did his M.A in Arabic from Delhi University. Dr. Mohammad Najeeb Qasmi has been granted PhD from the Jamia Millia Islamia on the theme الجوانب الأدبية والبلاغية والجمالية في الحديث النبوي من الصحيحين under the supervision of Prof. Shafiq Ahmad Khan Nadwi and Prof. R. I. Faynan. Dr. Najeeb Qasmi has been working in Riyadh since 1999. Mufti Najeeb Qasmi is grandson of Maulana ...

The message must read by all Muslims

The message must read by all Muslims ShahZeb was very different from ordinary boys. Do not marry a girlfriend and make a girlfriend who you should marry. That's what boys usually think. ShahZeb fell in love with me during college. He made me a girlfriend and married me… I too was broad minded, liberal and liberal like ShahZeb… I had a beer for God from stereotypes and Molvius… It was hardly impossible at this time to achieve the dreams we had dreamed of, and today it may have been born, but ShahZeb was just as good as before marriage - he proved to me everywhere. I used to take turns spinning my friends ... I said no! We were enlightened, broad minded and liberal... That wasted my life by the same enlightenment, broad mind and liberal thinking. It was only a matter of days before I came to marry  ShahZeb  - every night was a night of goodwill and every day was a festive one. I had met at my wedding too.  ShahZeb 's boss met me very well. My beauty and makeup had...

The Nandipur Power Project | Report on Nandipur Power Project

The Nandipur Power Project | Report on Nandipur Power Project Summary Nandipur Power Project is a 425 MW (with potential of 1,000 MW) combined cycle thermal power plant situated at Nandipur near Gujranwala in the Punjab province of Pakistan. Being constructed by the China Dongfang Electric Corporation, the project was completed in March 2015. The estimated cost of the project was Rs. 23 billion ($574 million) when it was announced, which according to the Government (PMLN), escalated to Rs. 57.38 billion due to delay and negligence of the previous (PPP) Government. However it is claimed by some that the actual cost reached up to Rs. 84 billion. Shahbaz Sharif wrote in a national newspaper about the project: “In the middle of the 2010, a major chunk of the project was almost complete and it seemed as if the project would be over on time as we believed there would not be any monetary issues but we were disappointed.” Reports Attached: Practical Steps: Nandipur Power Project ki...

Most Important Capitals with Currencies

Most Important Capitals with Currencies Currencies in Brackets Pakistan = Islamabad ( Rupee) Russia = Moscow (Ruble) Canada = Ottawa (Dollor) Hungry = Budapest (Forint) Japan = Tokyo (yen) Italy = Rome (Euro) France = Paris (Euro) USA = Washington (Dollor) Germany = Berlin (Deutsche mark) New Zealand = Wellington ( Dollor) England = London (Pound) Australia = Canberra (Dollor) China = Beijing (Yaun) Qatar = Doha (Riyal) Indonesia = Jakarta (Rupiah) Malaysia = Kaula lampur (Ringgit) Nepal = Kathmandu Dubai = Abu Dhabi (Dirham) Saudi = Riyadh (Riyal) Iran = Tehran (Riyal) Iraq = Baghdad (Dinar) Turkey = Ankara (Lira) South Africa = Cape Town (Rand) Bangladesh = Dhaka (Taka) Finland = Helsinki (Euro) Greece = Athens (Euro) Austria = Vienna (Euro) Kenya = Nairobi ( Shilling) Israel = Jerosholam (Sheqel) Palestine = Ramaullah Libya = Tripoli (Dinar) Bhutan = Thimphu (Franc) Oman = Mascot (Dinar) Afghanistan = Kabil ...