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Ysterdays in Persia and Kurdistan | Frederick G. Coan | PDF Book Free Download

Preacher Life in the Middle East or Yesterdays in Persia and Kurdistan delineates the life of the teacher in the Middle East during the nineteenth century. The book starts with a past filled with Mıddle East and its geography and character. At that point the creator gives a travelog of his excursions in different nations in the Middle East, portraying all parts of day by day life. The cutting edge Kurds get an unmistakable spot in the book. The creator depicts puts in Kurdistan and neighboring nations 1939. Extract from Yesterdays in Persia and Kurdistan The truth of the matter is that there is no experience on the planet to be com pared to that of the teacher experience, no life that is more full of intrigue and excites, none that calls for more noteworthy assortment of gifts and capacities. Nobody is more joyful than the minister, and there is nothing that brings more noteworthy improvement of each effortlessness and blessing than the preacher life. His field is so immense, the

Focus | The Hidden Driver of Excellence | Daniel Goleman | PDF Book in English | Free Download

In Focus, Psychologist and writer Daniel Goleman, writer of the #1 worldwide smash hit Emotional Intelligence, offers a pivotal gander at the present most difficult to find asset and the key to superior and satisfaction: consideration. Consolidating bleeding edge explore with viable discoveries, Focus digs into the study of consideration in the entirety of its assortments, introducing a long past due conversation of this little-saw and under-evaluated mental resource. In a period of relentless interruptions, Goleman influentially contends that now like never before we should figure out how to hone center in the event that we are to make due in a mind boggling world. Goleman comes down consideration examination into a trio: internal, other, and external core interest. Drawing on rich contextual analyses from fields as various as serious games, training, expressions of the human experience, and business, he shows why high-achievers need every one of the three sorts of center, and cl

Hukamran e Sihaba | (حکمران صحابہ) | Mahmood Ahmad Ghazanfar | PDF Book in Urdu | Free Download

After the downfall of the Holy Prophet (saw), there comes a period of extraordinary friendship of the Holy Prophet (saw) who are called by the incredible title of the Companions. History makes reference to this gathering with extraordinary pride and regard and reasons that after the Prophets and Messengers, no gathering has ever risen on this surface of the earth and under the blue top of the sky that professes to be the associates of the Companions. Couldn't and won't be conceived until the following revival. The sacred and favored gathering of the Companions had numerous qualities and some of them were particularly unmistakable, one of which was the "style of administering". The Prophet (harmony and gifts of Allaah arrive) himself named the individuals who had this trademark in high places as governors and rulers in specific spots, and in the favored time of the Rightly Guided Caliphs after him, this trademark and capacity was exploited. In the book under audit, M

Hajj e Nabvi | (حج نبوی) | Shaikh Nasir ud Din Albani | PDF Book in Urdu | Free Download

The Hajj is a yearly Islamic journey to Mecca, and a required strict obligation for Muslims which must be completed at any rate once in lifetime by each grown-up Muslim who is truly and monetarily fit for undertaking the excursion, and can bolster his family during his nonattendance. It is one of the five mainstays of Islam. Peruse out this book to get familiar with Hajj. In religion and Shariah, petitions have uncommon significance. The most significant supplication is offering Salah five times each day which is a wonderful blessing. There can be no other better path for creation to speak with the maker. This is the method of satisfying Allah and getting favors. It is the preeminent obligation and duty of rulers to execute the course of action of Salah offering. It is additionally known to be the distinctive element between a Muslim and a Non-Muslim. Sacred Prophet said(P.B.U.H) Offer Salah like you have seen me offering it. Friends of the Holy prophet have exhaustively watched Hol

Gems Of Ramadan (رمضان کے جواہرات) | Full PDF Transcript | PDF Book in English | Free Download

One ought to do his love with aching and longing to Allah, to hop to His love. What's more, love, it is a gathering among you and Allah so anticipate it. Take a gander at the account of Musa 'alayhis-salaam when he had a gathering with Allah. Allah cites him as saying, he himself says to Allah: Furthermore, I hurried to You, O my Lord, that You may be satisfied. {Surat Taha 20: Verse 84} Also, that is our subject. After Allah obliterated Fir'awn, Allah made a meeting with Musa 'alayhis-salaam and Bani Israel (the Children of Israel), and that is the place Allah addressed him by the mountain and where he requested to see Allah, and where he was given the Tawraah. At the point when he left Bani Israel back with Haroon 'alayhis-salaam and the meeting with Allah drew nearer, Musa 'alayhis-salaam immediately rushed his strides and sped to the gathering. All diamonds taken from book pearls of Ramadan by Shaykh Ahmad jibril Get up my sibling and sister and s

Kalama Shahadat Ka Mafoom | (کلمہ شہادت کا مفہوم) | Shaikh Abdul Karim alDiwaan | PDF Book in Urdu | Free Download

Ash-hadu Al-laaa Ilaaha Illa-llaahu Wahdahoo Laa Shareeka Lahoo Wa-Ash-hadu Anna Muhammadan ‘Abduhoo Wa Rasooluhu.I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, the One alone, without partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger Second Kalima (Shahadat): I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except ALLAH, the One alone, without partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad (P.B.U.H) is His Servant and Messenger. {أَنْ =كہ} {لا نہيں} {إِلَهَ =اللہ-mabud=Rub=Parwardigar } {إِلا == سوا {إِلا الله =اللہ كے سوا أَشْهَدُ أَنْ لا إِلَهَ إِلا الله ( ميں گواہى ديتا ہوں كہ اللہ كے سوا كوئى معبود نہيں ) ======================= { Wahdahu=ak akela} { La=nahi}} { shareka=shareek} } { Lahu=oska} Wahdahu La shareka Lahu Allah akela hy oska koi sharek nahi ================= {أَشْهَدُ= گواہى} { أَنَّ =كہ} مُحَمَّدًا=محمد عَبدُہُ =اللّٰہ کے بندے وَ رَسُوُلُہ= اور اس کے رسول ہیں" -------------------------------- dosra kalma أَشْهَدُ أَنْ ل

Khutbat e Harmain Madina Munawwarah | (خطبات حرمین مدینہ منورہ) | Maulana Muhammad Muneer Qamar | PDF Book in Urdu | Free Download

MADINAH: The Agency of General Presidency for the Prophet's Mosque Affairs has designated six mediators to make an interpretation of Friday lessons into French, English, Urdu, Chichewa, Turkish and Hausa. The deciphered adaptation of the lessons would be communicated on different FM radio frequencies, including English (105.5FM), Urdu (105FM), Chichewa (99FM), French (99.5FM), Turkish (107FM), and Hausa (107.2). Abdullah Al-Hattab, executive of the interpretation office at the Prophet's Mosque, said that regarding 300,000 explorers and guests have as of now profited by the interpretation administrations. He said the undertaking will empower countless admirers from differing foundations to comprehend the significant messages. The communicate is additionally being made open through the online site of the venture. "Moment interpretation gadgets are likewise being dispersed among admirers in such manner. The entirety of the gadgets are sanitized to guarantee wellbei